Rob Elshire
At Cornell University, he was the lead developer of the genotyping by sequencing method.
He has collaborated in transnational research projects, organized numerous workshops and contributed code to analyze GBS data in a reproducible way. Before starting The Elshire Group, he set up four high throughput molecular marker service laboratories for others. He has developed computational systems to track and analyze large genomic data sets and worked with hundreds of scientists on the application of marker technologies in their work. He continues these efforts with his current work which focuses on offering a high quality GBS service, collaboratively building global capability in GBS and related technologies, and generally promoting the democratic application of genetic analysis resources to a wide range of biological questions.
Director, The Elshire Group Limited
President (2017-2022, 2023-), Genomics for Aotearoa New Zealand
Councilor (2021), New Zealand Association of Scientists
Member, Maize Genetics Cooperation
Member, New Zealand Open Source Society
Associate Member, Aotearoa Tech Union
Associate Member, Lawyers for Climate Action New Zealand, Inc.
Supporter, Kindness in Science